The Rejection Diaries: Season 1

Welcome to The Rejection Diaries. My name is Stuart White, struggling writer, biology teacher and dad of two.
This is a podcast that has been started to explore and share the journey of an unpublished writer, from the raw beginnings as a fledgling novelist to the point of sending to, and being rejected by, agents.
I’ll discuss the delirious highs and the crushing lows of this rollercoaster journey and give personal experience and anecdotes from my decade of writing and having my work rejected. This will be an honest account, with very little censored, and I hope that you’ll be able to relate to much of it, and that in turn it will bring you some comfort that you’re not alone in this struggle.
We write because we love it, we put ourselves out there because we are brave.
Rejection is tough, but not writing and sending out our work is tougher. So let us begin.
If you would like to sign up to chat to Stuart in Season 2 (Oct/Nov 2021 recordings), then please complete the form here:
A playlist of all 10 epodes is below: