WriteMentor Novel-in-Development Award 2021: THE LONGLIST

We were so excited to launch this new award for children’s novel writers, where they could dip their toe in the water with manuscripts that were still in progress, either unfinished, or perhaps in first or early draft stage.
And YOU have not disappointed with the standard of the stories sent to us – so good, we had to do an extra round of reading to get the longlist down to a sensible number!
We received a total of 398 entries in the end with 33 Chapter Books, 202 Middle Grade, 49 Teen and 80 Young Adult.
233 were works in progress and 165 were completed novels.
If you elected for feedback, this will be emailed to you over the course of the next week. Please check junk/spam before emailing to ask about this. We will email ALL feedback this week, even if your novel is still in contention.
And finally, I’d like to say a HUGE thanks to all of you for entering, and once again, showing huge faith and loyalty to us and our opportunities. You are at the forefront of our mind with all we do, and to launch a new award and have 400 entries is so pleasing for us, as we’re able to (hopefully) give you all a boost and help you finish that WiP!
A final word on feedback: while the adult readers have been very balanced in their feedback, the kid readers, as always, have been BRUTALLY honest. Try not to take anything personal – they are simply judging the words, not you – and dig deep into how you can use their feedback to improve your work rather than feeling deflated. As I say, our adults have been constructive, as much as possible, and we hope their feedback will be gentler for you.
Keep writing, keep working hard and keep improving! And remember there’s always more opportunities round the corner, with us, and many of the other wonderful organisations that cater for children’s writers!
Good luck everyone, and May the Force be with you!
If your title appears on the longlist below, please note that we judge anonymously, so do not tweet and refer to your story title – you CAN mention you have a title on here, but not the specific name.
Here are the titles (in alphabetical order) on the LONGLIST:
A Skulk of Wraiths |
Afterdeath |
Extra Ordinary |
Fledgling |
Freya Zombie Slayer |
Grace Weaver and the Other Kingdom |
Hagen |
How I Got Cursed |
Octoplot |
Overmorrow |
Saving the Silver Willow |
Sheep Number Four |
Susie Swann Has Come Undone |
The Barnacle Tree |
The Burning |
The Crows of St Aubin |
The Living Goddess and the Pirate Queen |
The Memory Maker’s Apprentice |
The Memory Tree |
The Picture House |
The Playground Dwellers |
The Stone Circles |
The Umbrella Man |
The Windkeeper’s Daughter |
This Is Not A Love Song |
Throw like a Girl |
These titles will be subject to more reading before a shortlist is produced and sent to our agent judge Christabel McKinley.
We also asked readers to note down their favourites (if they had any) during the process and we’re going to publish those below. Again, all anonymous, but you CAN mention your title if it features here as long as it’s not on the longlist and no longer under consideration.
(If your title appears twice, it means 2 readers choose it as their favourite).
A Chain of Wishes |
A Leopard in No Man’s Land |
A Skulk of Wraiths |
A Skulk of Wraiths |
A Tree Grows Here |
AfterDeath |
Afterdeath |
All the Red Leaves |
Bacon Grief |
Bad to the Bone |
Clearlake |
Daisy and the Mammoths |
Dark Horse |
Delaney’s Field Guide to the English |
Dreamdogs |
Five Easy Ways |
Florence Papillon and the Luna Park Bandits |
For the Love of Nick |
Grace Weaver and the Other Kingdom |
Hadley and the Time Thief |
Harry Hart and the Farts of Doom |
Hero and the Hungry House |
Hero and the Hungry House |
How I Got Cursed |
Hyphen |
If Words Could Fly |
Joe With An E |
Losing Litha |
Melting Walls |
Mireya and the Moon Pearl |
Nightwalker |
Octoplot |
Orla Brewer’s Ghost Dose |
Overmorrow |
Pearl Twist’s Magical Life |
Princess Paws and the Luxury Fish Gang |
Quinn of Aquesta and the Diamond Knights |
Rebels without hearts |
Right Place, Wrong Time |
Sephy Blast and the Diamond of Druzella |
Sheep Number 4 |
Skyscraper |
Small World and the Missing Alberts |
Susie Swann has come undone |
The Afterlife of Juniper Quick |
The Alphabet Arsonist |
The Boy in the Shadows |
The Boy Who Loved Cooking Bugs |
The Calling |
The Cinderman |
The Crows of St Aubin |
The Demon’s Apprentice |
The Dragon’s Tooth |
The Garden Witches & the Stink of the Town |
The Globe Keeper |
The Goat, The Prince and The Cheesemaker’s Daughter |
The Gorgon and the Greenhouse |
The Haunting of Sally Spillane |
The Lost Resort |
The Memory Tree |
The Midnight Horse |
The Mystery of Doggo Next Door |
The Night Train and the Engine of Souls |
The Nightmare Thesis |
The Park Phantastic |
The Poison House |
The Projectionist |
The Sea Lord’s Curse |
The Stone Seer |
The Summer it all Started |
The Time Out Club |
The Tiny Crab who Lived in my ear |
The Trident Tree |
The Unraveling of James Hayward |
The Windkeeper’s Daughter |
Throw Like a Girl |
Time Keeper |
Two by Two |
Vanishing Point |
Willa the Wizard |
Witches of Water |
Zodiac |
[…] To view the longlist, click here. […]