Success Stories
Since 2018, over 100 WriteMentor writers have signed with agents or secured publishing deals
Publishing Deals

Rosie Talbot

Laura Noakes

Ravena Guron

Tess James-Mackey

Sophia Payne

Emily Randall-Jones

Jan Dunning

Rebecca Laxton

Dee Benson
“Maybe I would have been published eventually, but I really believe working with KC through the WriteMentor experience sped the process along by literal years.“
Brianna Bourne, author & former mentee on WriteMentor’s summer mentoring programme
Hub success stories

Hub member Arden Jones is represented by Molly Jamieson of United Agents

Hub member Melissa Kay Valente is represented by Alice Williams Literary

Hub member Aerin Apeltun’s The Amethyst Talisman is published by SmashBear Publishing

Hub member Jessica Mae Shelley is represented by Madeleine Milburn Agency

Hub member Nazima Pathan’s book Dream Hunters is acquired by Simon & Schuster.

Hub member Caroline Murphy is represented by Rachel Petty at The Blair Partnership

Hub member Zoe Arena is represented by The Catchpole Agency

Hub member Kristina Rahim is represented by Silvia Molteni of Peters Fraser + Dunlop

Hub member Becky Wilson is now represented by Rachel Mann of Jo Unwin Literary Agency
“I honestly believe if I hadn’t found WriteMentor, I would have given up after receiving so many rejections. I would have continued to believe that I wasn’t good enough. I owe any successes so far to the team at WriteMentor and I will always support and love this place.”
Arden Jones, author and Hub member
Award success stories

Sophia Payne won the 2020 WriteMentor Picture Book Award and is now represented by Alice Williams Literary

Sean Dooley won the 2021 WriteMentor Novel Award and is now represented by Caroline Wakeman Literary Agency

Chris Galvin shortlisted for 2021 WriteMentor Novel Award and is represented by David Higham Associates

Louse Finch’s novel, shortlisted in the 2020 WriteMentor Novel Award, is now published by Little Island

Aoife Doyle won the 2021 WriteMentor Novel Award and is now represented by Peters Fraser + Dunlop

Sue Cunningham won the 2020 WriteMentor Novel Award and is now represented by The Blair Partnership

Maureen Tai won the WriteMentor Picture Book Award 2022 and is now represented by Fuse Literary.

Saira Shah won our 2023 Picture Book Award and is now represented by Silvia Molteni of Peters Fraser + Dunlop.

Tracy Curran was shortlisted for our 2023 Picture Book Awards and is now represented by Alice Williams Literary.
Congratulations to our writers for securing agent representation

“I spent twelve years and four novels writing mostly in isolation, and after eighteen months working on a fifth novel with two different mentorship programmes, I signed with an agent!”
Becky Orwin, author & former mentee on WriteMentor’s summer mentoring programme