The WriteMentor Children’s Novel and Picture Book Awards : THE SHORTLISTS

Congratulations to everyone who is checking in, who made the longlists! You should be very, very proud of yourselves for reaching this stage.
If you read below and do not see your title, please take today (and a few days maybe) to be completely gutted. That is natural and we’d all feel that way.
But I hope you will reflect on just how brilliant an achievement it was to reach the longlist of such a hugely entered award.
I said this is my email, but worth repeating:
Remember, to me, and in the context of the numbers, you are all already winners. Your stories are important and widely enjoyed by our judges. Please keep writing and trying to get them published. I would love to be able to read a few of them to my son and daughter over the coming years.
Let’s hope that the year to come brings much more joy, far more significant than this award, and you have good health and happiness.
If your title appears below, Stuart will be in touch to explain the next steps, but essentially your manuscript has now been sent to our agent judges, who will announce their winners at the awards ceremony on Thursday 6th May 7-8pm (BST).
Everyone can join us live via our YouTube channel and see the winners crowned and hear readings from all our shortlistees, as well as verbal feedback from our judges.
May the Force be with you!
The Picture Book Award
Bamboo Surprise
Captain Tangle
Daddy, I’m a Dinosaur
Go, Tortoise, Go!
That Bear!
The Helpful Elf
The Children’s Novel Award
Dream Dial
The Lord of the Hat
The Thing About Giants
We Are Fractals