#WriteMentor Children’s Novel Award – THE SHORTLIST

After 7 reads in round 1, and another 4 reads in round 2, we feel confident the 6 selected novels for our shortlist really deserve it!
Of those 6 selected, they had either 10 or 11 YES votes from their 11 readers.
So take heart if you’ve missed out this time – there’s 11 people in my writing group and I’d guarantee you that Harry Potter would not get 11 YES votes from them!! ????
And remember also, that every entrant will get their feedback, both from round 1 and this latest round of reading (unless you’ve made the shortlist).
Those on the list, are now being sent onto our judge, Chloe Seager, to read and consider, before choosing her winner. The date for this is not finalised, but we will keep you informed.
Well done once again, to all 6 who have made the list. As usual, please don’t attach your name to your title, but do feel free to shout about making the SL everywhere. Celebrating your successes (which are few and far between) is what we want, and it’s what other people who follow you also want to hear.
The Curse of the Weird Wolf
The E.G.A. (Exceptional Gamers Academy)
The Shape of the World
Whisper Pier