#WriteMentor Spark mentoring: A Blog Post by Camilla Chester

I’m Camilla Chester, a near-miss, now self-published Children’s Author of three middle grade books; Jarred Dreams, EATS and Thirteenth Wish. I am also, one month in to being mentored through the #WriteMentorSpark scheme and I can definitely see the benefits of being involved. 

How Does It Work?
If you’re a writer that wants support with your craft from another writer then you can sign up to the scheme. There are several different levels, depending on what you want, but all involve being matched to another writer who will offer you support and advice on your writing. You’re also welcomed into a sort of on-line club, where you can watch vlogs, read articles and take advice from Industry professionals as well as other mentees.

How Long Does It Last?
I went for the special deal and signed up for a year, but it is a roll on, roll off programme so you can just join for a month if you like.

How Much Is It?
It’s super cheap. I went for the middle level and paid £200 for a full year. I have never seen anything offering so much for so little money. A day’s writing workshop could easily cost you that. It’s cheap, not because it’s rubbish or unprofessional, but because it has been set up to help people NOT to make money. There’s no dream peddling going on here.

What Happens?
It’s my first month and I have had a critique of the first 1,500 words of my new book, Darna’s Sky, plus, email advice and support from my mentor Emma Barton-Smith. She has been thorough, direct and very kind about my writing. Even though we don’t speak, I feel like we are getting to know one another through the email contact. We have made a plan of action for the coming months and I am looking forward to moving on through the scheme.

Would You Recommend It?
Yes, definitely. I’m part of two critique groups and a face to face writing group, but this is one person, in your corner, really focussing on you and your work. It feels great to have that kind of attention! Try it, what have you got to loose?

How Do I Find Out More?
Twitter: #writementor #WriteMentorSpark @stuartwhite
Website: www.write-mentor.com

Camilla Chester is a Children’s Author who has just completed her first month with #WriteMentor Spark.

To find out more about her and her writing, visit:

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