#WriteMentor Children’s Novel Award – THE LONGLIST

Below you will find the Longlist, then a list of Notable Mentions, who just missed out, and finally a list of Readers’ Favourites (those who did not make the LL).

Right, time to get serious – this was so hard to do – the list is longer than I planned because there were so many novels we couldn’t say NO to!

Missing out on this long list is not a reflection of quality, simply the old combination in any creative pursuit – LUCK, TASTE and TIMING.

There were at least 40 more novels that could have gone onto this list and not reduced the quality in any way.

That said, the novels that did make it were INCREDIBLE.

How did we decide?

Entries were read 7 times (5 adult readers, 2 kid readers) and to make the list, you needed to get 6 or 7 YES votes!!! I KNOW!!!

When you receive your personalised feedback, you’ll get the number of YES votes with it – if you had 4/5, know that you just missed out and that this is still a great achievement – most of your readers wanted to continue. That’s a win in my view.

We also averaged the scores given by the 7 readers – the top 20 average scoring entries also all made the LL, regardless of YES votes, but mostly these overlapped.

Then we had our Readers Favourites – each reader told us their favourite and we took this into account in composing the list. Ultimately a few didn’t make it – we have listed them at the bottom. 4 novels got 2 readers favourite votes. Those were also added to the list if they hadn’t made it on other criteria.

So, I think you’ll agree, we’ve been thorough, we’ve done all we can to reduce the subjectivity of a single reader or 2, so we hope this has created the strongest possible list.

Of course, we are bound to have missed a few off here which will go on and be successful. See above comment on LUCK, TASTE and TIMING. If you weren’t successful this time, it’s due to that, not a lack of ability or promise in your novel.

Thank you to everyone who entered, and we hope if you’re not on this list, you’ll find the feedback we send useful, or at least enlightening. All I ever want to know when I miss a list, is how close I was and what did the readers think, and you all now have that chance, if you chose it at entry.

If you are on here (or even if you’re not) feel free to tweet about it using #WMCNA but if you’re on the longlist, do not tweet your title. You may tweet your title if you are on the bottom two lists.

Without furthering the agony, here is the list of novels (anonymous to allow impartial judging) that made it onto our long list.


A Broken Sound
Against All Odds
An Unquantifiable Spark
Cheese Boy
Daughter of No Temple
Follow The Silence
For Never Was A Story
Generation 13
Ghost Town
How NOT to Grow Parents
I Land
Miss Alexandra Twopenny Plays Doctors and Corpses
My Life Without You
Patsy Scribble
Rumi and the Cats of Istanbul 
Searching for Stones in the Sand
Summoner’s Revolution
The Colour of Words
The Curse of the Weird Wolf
The Darkest Corner
The Definition of Thomas Stonefeather
THE Dragon’s Suicide
The E.G.A. (Exceptional Gamers Academy)
The Fabulous Freddie
The Failed Genius Club
The Fiend of Aviary Mountain
The Glass Hotel
The Impure
The Keeper of the Books
The Lion’s Mouth
The Shape of the World
The Sluagh at Strange Garden
The Song of Anubis
The Time Thief
The Wonderful, Whimsical Wall
Title Pending
Tulip Finola Barnacle
Two Like Me and You
Viva La Valiants
Whisper Pier


Alex AtkinsonThe Girl Between
Amanda ThomasThe Stealth Pigeon
Carolyn de la HarpeOne Egg Short in Ballymory
Devyani KothariThe Girl who saved Daro
Hannah DunnThe Boy From The Mist
Helen GordonThe Ragged Gull
Julie Farrell FRACTAL
Katie MasonThe Girl Next Door
Laynie Bynum Child of Night
Lorraine J DaggettA Boy Made of Sand
Michael MannThe Ghostclouds of London
Nadine RajehDinosaurs And Demons
Nicola KellerThe Old Oak Hotel
Rachel HanvilleHere Comes the Sun
Rebecca EnglishForest School
Ross HarringtonThe Child of Fire & Fear 


Alex MarchantThe Order of the White Boar
Andrew FrenchThe Queens of Heaven
Annie WalmsleyJedediah Dreaming Ransome
Debbie RoxburghHUNKY PUNK MOON
Joan HaigTiger Skin Rug
Katherine LathamAtlas of the Darkside
Melissa CharlesR.I.P. (REAPER IN PROGRESS)
Nicola KellerTraitor’s Eye
Phillipa BaylissThe Time That Wasn’t
Sharyn KonyakThese Pieces of Me
Tess BurtonThe Young Volcanoes of Tenemere
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