online writing courses
Develop your writing craft, skills and confidence with our untutored courses, designed by our top course leaders
We offer a range of untutored online writing courses, with more to be added soon. These courses are suitable for both novices to more experienced writers. See below for a full list and description of each course.
Our courses take place on the website, via our learning platform (the link to this is found in your confirmation email when you sign up). To view all of your courses, click here.
Sign up now to our untutored writing courses designed by published authors
Picture Book Course
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Clare Helen Welsh, author of both fiction and non-fiction picture book texts, has curated content for this 5 week untutored course, taking you from concept to creation.
The course outline is below, and each week will focus on a different aspect of picture book writing. Clare will provide notes on these areas at the start of each module to give you an opportunity to fine tune your own work, and you have the opportunity to book in for a Picture Book manuscript review from Clare at the conclusion.
Where do ideas come from? How do we find original ideas? Which are the strongest? Most marketable? What will editors look for? What to avoid?
How to structure a picture book, types of narrative arc, ‘rules’ of picture book plotting
Creating characters children care about and relate to. Building a strong emotional connection.
Types of voice, how to strengthen voice and techniques to make your writing enjoyable to read aloud.
Is my story ready? Achieving objectivity. A checklist of PB ‘Do’s /Don’ts’
At the end of the course, you may submit a picture book text for in depth critique from Clare. (Booking essential).
Non-Fiction Picture Book Course
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Clare Helen Welsh, author of both fiction and non-fiction picture book texts, has curated content for this 5 week untutored course, taking you from concept to creation.
The course outline is below, and each week will focus on a different aspect of non-fiction picture book writing. Clare will provide notes on these areas at the start of each module to give you an opportunity to fine tune your own work, and you have the opportunity to book in for a Picture Book manuscript review from Clare at the conclusion.
What is the difference between illustrated non-fiction and narrative non-fiction? Examples of texts in each genre.
What to consider when beginning a non-fiction project. Audience, Angle, Tone.
What are the important ingredients for a successful non-fiction book? How long should a text be?
Which sources should writers use? How much research is needed?
How to write a proposal. How to present facts and sources.
At the end of the course, you may submit a picture book text for in depth critique from Clare. (Booking essential).
Rhyming Picture Book Course
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Course Overview
This is a 6-session course to cover all of the key elements of writing rhyming picture books.
Session 1 – What Picture Book are you writing?
Introduction to the course and exploration of what picture book you are writing.
Do you have an original concept? Do you know where your book would sit in the market?
Do you know what is the CORE of your story? Are you sure…?
Session 2 – Metre
What is metre and why is it important?
This session covers what stressed syllables are and examines common metre patterns, to ensure that we have a picture book text that rolls off the tongue perfectly.
Session 3 – Rhyme
What makes a beautifully rhyming story? This week we learn all about the Rules of Rhyme and how to make our picture book sing.
Session 4 – Plot
This session we’ll discover the traditional three-act story structure and how it applies to picture books. We’ll discuss what should be included in your beginning, your middle and your ending.
Session 5 – Layout
This session we learn about the importance of picture book layout and how your story should interact with the illustrations.
Session 6 – Editing
We look at how to edit our manuscripts ready for submission to make sure they SHINE!
Each session we’ll cover a different element of writing picture books and over the sessions you’ll build up the skills you need to write a rhyming story that incorporates everything that we have learnt.
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