Quick Spark – Mini Package Review


Let Melissa know if you have specific mentors in mind to look over your package – ideally list 3, in order of presence, in the notes at checkout, or in the follow-up email.

The list of mentors are here.

Usually we can expect to get the critique returned within a week.





Mini Query Package – Feedback on a query letter, synopsis and first page. A taster with a view to upgrading to a Submission or Full Package, or just an insight without spending a lot of money.

We aim to turn this around for you fairly quickly, usually within a week, but Melissa will let you know about time scales once the mentor has received the work.

Please consider your top 3 mentors from our Spark page, based on who would be most suitable for your manuscript, and send those names, along with your document to melissa@write-mentor.com, using “Quick Spark” in the subject line.

Be sure to check your confirmation email for instruction on what and where to send your work.


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