
Writing can be lonely, but it doesn’t need to be

Get the help you need to write and publish a children’s book with the support of authors and industry experts. Through online courses, one-to-one mentoring, and virtual events, we’re busting the myth of the isolated writer by creating a community of storytellers.

Welcome to WriteMentor.

Since 2018 we’ve helped more than 100 writers secure agent representation or publishing deals.

Match with a mentor.

It’s in our name. WriteMentor started as a summer mentoring programme, and has since grown into a year-round team of leading authors offering 1-2-1 and group mentoring, as well as editorial services, for writers of Picture Books, Chapter Books, Teen, Middle Grade, and Young Adult.

How can we help?


WriteMentor’s Children’s Novel and Picture Book Awards are open for any unagented or unpublished writer of children’s fiction across all genres and age groups


Develop writing craft, access exclusive resources, foster close writing relationships, and meet industry experts as a member of WriteMentor’s online community learning platform.


Working with a children’s author, receive ongoing developmental editing, writing advice, publishing insights, and direct feedback on your manuscript to help you elevate your writing craft

Online Courses

Develop your writing craft, skills and confidence under the expert tutelage of our top course leaders. Offering both tutored and untutored courses to meet all your needs


WriteMentor‘s podcast for writers will focus less on the WHAT, and more on the HOW and WHY of writing a book. Plus, the Rejection Diaries – a first hand look at how it affects us all and how to cope!


Released on a quarterly basis, the digital magazine is packed full of exclusive content written by leading authors and publishing experts, from writing advice to industry insights.

Creating community.

Become a member of WriteMentor’s Hub, an online learning and development platform where children’s writers support one another throughout their writing and publishing journey, while accessing craft resources and networking with industry professionals.

Free writing resources

We’re proud to work with the following publishing organisations…

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