2020 Agent Showcase – Participating Agents
This is an evolving list and as agents complete the form, we will add them to the list.
Name | Agency Name | Link to bio/wishlist | Twitter Handle |
Alice Sutherland-Hawes | Madeleine Milburn Ltd | http://madeleinemilburn.co.uk/looking-for/alice-sutherland-hawes-im-looking/ | @alibelle |
Alice Williams | Alice Williams Literary | https://www.alicewilliamsliterary.co.uk/about-original-1 | @alicelovesbooks |
Amber Caraveo | Skylark Literary | http://www.skylark-literary.com/about-us | @AmberCaraveo |
Ann Rose | Prospect Agency | http://www.prospectagency.com/agent.html#ann_rose | @annmrose |
Analieze Cervantes | The Harvey Klinger Literary Agency | https://analiezecervantes.com/clients/mswl | @author_analieze |
Anne Clark | Anne Clark Literary Agency | http://www.anneclarkliteraryagency.co.uk/ | @anneclarklit |
Becky Bagnell | Lindsay Literary Agency | http://www.lindsayliteraryagency.co.uk | @lindsayLit |
Catherine Pellegrino | Marjacq Scripts Ltd | https://www.marjacq.com | @CatherinePelle8 |
Chloe N Seager | Madeleine Milburn | http://madeleinemilburn.co.uk/looking-for/chloe-seager-im-looking/ | @ChloeSeager |
Christabel McKinley | David Higham Associates | https://www.davidhigham.co.uk/agents-dh/christabel-mckinley/ | @ichristmasbell |
Clare Wallace | The Darley Anderson Children’s Book Agency Ltd | http://darleyandersonchildrens.com/about-us | @LitAgentClare |
Hannah Sheppard | D H H Literary Agency | https://twitter.com/YA_Books/status/1159850162635907078/photo/1 | @YA_Books |
Heather Cashman | Storm Literary Agency | https://www.stormliteraryagency.com/aboutus | @HeatherCashman |
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black | Andrea Brown Literary Agency | https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jemiscoe-chambers-black/ | @Jemiscoe |
Jennifer Herrington | The Harvey Klinger Literary Agency | https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jennifer-herrington/ | @jl_herrington |
Jo Williamson | Antony Harwood Ltd | http://antonyharwood.com/jo-williamson/ | @jslwilliamson |
Joanna Moult | Skylark Literary Limited | http://www.skylark-literary.com/about-us | @JoannaMoult |
Kat Kerr | Donald Maass Literary Agency | http://maassagency.com/kat-kerr/ | @thekatsmews |
Kate Foster | Storm Literary Agency | https://www.stormliteraryagency.com/aboutus | @kfosterauthor |
Kate Nash | Kate Nash Literary Agency Ltd | https://katenashlit.co.uk/people/ | @katenashagent |
Laura West | David Higham Associates | https://www.davidhigham.co.uk/agents-dh/laura-west/ | @LozWesty |
Lauren Gardner | Bell Lomax Moreton | https://belllomaxmoreton.co.uk/agents/lauren-gardner | @laurieemtweets |
Leah Pierre | Ladderbird Literary Agency | https://www.ladderbird.com/leah-pierre.html | @leahbene |
Lina Langlee | Kate Nash Literary Agency | https://katenashlit.co.uk/people/ | @LinaLanglee |
Lucy Irvine | Peters Fraser & Dunlop | https://petersfraserdunlop.com/agent/lucy-irvine/ | @lucyirvine93 |
Ludo Cinelli | Eve White Literary Agency | http://www.evewhite.co.uk/staff | @EveWhiteAgency |
Lydia Silver | The Darley Anderson Children’s Book Agency Ltd | http://darleyandersonchildrens.com/about-us | @LydiaRSilver |
Lynnette Novak | The Seymour Agency | https://www.theseymouragency.com/About-Us.html | @Lynnette_Novak |
Megan Carroll | Watson, Little Ltd | https://www.watsonlittle.com/agent/megan-carroll/ | @MeganACarroll |
Rachel Mann | Jo Unwin Literary Agency | http://www.jounwin.co.uk/rachel-mann/ | @rachelphilippa |
Robbie Guillory | Kate Nash Literary Agency | https://katenashlit.co.uk/people/ | @robbieguillory |
Sandra Sawicka | Marjacq Scripts | http://www.marjacq.com/sandra-sawicka.html | @sansawicka |
Stephanie Thwaites | Curtis Brown | https://www.curtisbrown.co.uk/agent/stephanie-thwaites | @StephT2000 |
Therese Coen | Hardman & Swainson | http://www.hardmanswainson.com/agents/therese-coen/ | @theresecoen |
Zoe Plant | The Bent Agency | http://www.thebentagency.com/zoe-plant | @zoeplant89 |
If any other children’s agents would like to participate, please complete the quick form below:
[…] 2020 Agent Showcase – Participating Agents […]