WOWCON Ticket Page

Now that the conference is over, you can still watch your replays for 30 days from when it was live.

If you didn’t join us live, you can still buy tickets below – you MUST buy a general ticket to access the Slack platform – and you can then add any talks or workshops on top of that.

Before booking, please ensure you have read the main conference page with all the information, details and master timetable (also included below for your convenience). All times BST.

Friday 24th5-6pmOpening Remarks
6-7pmCerrie BurnellTalk: Insights into indie publishing with Elle McNicoll
7-8pmWorkshop: World-building with Bex HoganPanel: First Spreads
Saturday 25th9-10amCatherine JohnsonTalk: Writing in rhyme with Catherine Emmett
10-12Workshop: Voice with Liz FlanaganPandemic Impact
12-1pmTalk: Sensitivity reading with Hamza Jahanzeb
1-3pmWorkshop: Staying in Character with Dave Rudden
3-5pmWorkshop: Editing: Breaking it down with Alexandra SheppardNetworking
5-6pmTalk: Mental health and wellbeing with Sara Barnard
6-7pmTalk: Genre-Bending: Writing historical fantasy fiction with Ross Montgomery
Sunday 26th 9-10amCatherine RaynerTalk: The author/agent relationship with Alexandra Page and Christabel McKinley
10-12Workshop: Write a Picture Book in 2 hours with Clare Helen WelshPanel: First Pages
12-1pmTalk: How to stand out to editors and agents with Eishar Brar
1-3pmWorkshop: From Ideas to Outline with Lauren JamesOn Submission
3-4pmTalk: The author/illustrator relationship with Rikin Parekh and Emma Perry
4-5pmTalk: Writing a series with Serena Patel
5-6pmTalk: Writing Science Fiction with Laura Lam
6-7pmClosing Remarks

Can’t attend live? Or find the length of the events too long?

All our talks/workshops will be recorded and available to ticket holders for up to 1 month after the conference, with live transcription (also available in recordings). 

For the longer 2 hour workshops, we’ll build in a 10 minute break in the middle, but it’s also recorded too, so if people can only manage an hour live, they can come back for the recorded second hour later.

Before booking anything below, please ensure you have a general ticket for the conference in your cart (or from a previous visit). You will not get the email to access the conference without one.




(note that the other 3 panels not listed below are included with your general ticket – you do not need to do anything additional to access those)

Agent 1-2-1s – CLOSED

Those with a general ticket will be emailed when these are ready to go on sale. You will not be able to book a 1-2-1 without a general ticket, so advise buying a ticket early.

1-2-1s are 15 minutes in duration and will involved verbal feedback from the agent based upon the materials submitted. You’ll submit :

Materials – all in one word document:

CB/MG/YA: Agent Letter (1 page), Synopsis (1 page, single spaced), first 10 pages (12″, TNR or plain font, double spaced).

PB: Agent Letter including a short pitch (1 page), full PB text (you may include illustrator notes).

When you have your confirmation, there is a link on the emailed receipt, which will take you to a form to upload your materials and VERY importantly your Zoom link. We have done a screenshot on the form to show you where to find this. Please paste in both the link and your meeting ID into the box for your zoom link.

We would suggest double and triple checking this detail as it’s how the agent will call you at the arranged time, and will avoid any time-wasted during the 1-2-1s.

Also worth noting that 1-2-1s will usually run on schedule but occasionally other factors mean agents may be late or overrun from previous 1-2-1s (or have to nip to the loo between them!) so don’t panic if they haven’t called at the exact time. I’d suggest waiting the full 15 minutes, and if you haven’t heard from them by then, then do email/message us on Slack (Slack link will come later just before the conference btw).

If, for whatever reason the agent is unable to make it, we will re-arrange.

If you are unable to attend, we do not offer refunds, but you may pass onto a writing friend, who would complete the form in the confirmation email on the booking.