#WriteMentor have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying/harassment during the programme. If this occurs online, do refer it to a mentor and we shall deal with any issues involving people in the programme. We know that minor disagreements can happen online but if it ever goes beyond this, understand that we won’t tolerate this.
If it’s beyond a minor disagreement, or you feel threatened or in danger, report any incident to the appropriate authorities. Let us hope we do not have any such incidents. You can contact Stuart White, or any mentor and they will help you contact the right people. #WriteMentor will do whatever we can to support and help.
Bottom line is we won’t tolerate any form of bullying or harassment, and any mentor/mentee who fall below the standards will be asked to leave the programme. Anyone outwith the programme will be reported.
#WriteMentor is being built on a foundation of love, altruism and kindness. We hope this will diffuse through to all those who become part of the programme.